miercuri, 15 august 2007

La Multi Ani!!!

La Multi Ani pentru toti derivatii si derivatele din Maria :)


si eu care credeam ca sunt doar un mit...

history for today's history


* 778 - The Battle of Roncevaux Pass, in which Roland is killed.
* 927 - The Saracens are conquered and destroyed Taranto.
* 1040 - King Duncan I is killed in battle against his first cousin and rival Macbeth. The latter succeeds him as Scottish Monarch.
* 1057 - King Mac Bethad is killed in the Battle of Lumphanan by the forces of Máel Coluim mac Donnchada.
* 1185 - The cave city of Vardzia is consecrated by Queen Tamar of Georgia.
* 1248 - The foundation stone of the Cologne Cathedral, built to house the relics of the Three Wise Men, was laid. Construction eventually completed in 1880.
* 1261 - Michael VIII Palaeologus is crowned Byzantine emperor in Constantinople.
* 1309 - The city of Rhodes surrenders to the forces of the Knights of St. John, completing their conquest of Rhodes. The knights establish their headquarters on the island, and rename themselves as the Knights of Rhodes.
* 1461 - The Empire of Trebizond surrenders to the forces of Sultan Mehmet II. This is the real end of the Byzantine Empire. Emperor David is exiled and later murdered.
* 1517 - Seven Portuguese armed vessels led by Fernão Pires de Andrade meet Chinese officials at the Pearl River estuary.
* 1519 - Panama City, Panama, is founded.
* 1534 - Saint Ignatius of Loyola and six classmates took initial vows that would lead to the creation of the Society of Jesus in September of 1540.
* 1537 - Asunción, Paraguay, is founded.
* 1540 - Arequipa, Peru, is founded.
* 1549 - Jesuit priest Saint Francis Xavier comes ashore at Kagoshima (Traditional Japanese date: July 22, 1549).
* 1599 - Nine Years War: Battle of Curlew Pass - Irish forces led by Hugh Roe O'Donnell successfully ambush English forces, led by Sir Conyers Clifford, were sent to relieve Collooney Castle.
* 1636 - The Covenant of the Town of Dedham, Massachusetts was first signed.
* 1760 - Seven Years' War: Battle of Liegnitz - Frederick the Great's victory over the Austrians under Ernst von Laudon.
* 1824 - Freed American slaves form Liberia.
* 1843 - The Cathedral of Our Lady of Peace in Honolulu, Hawaii is dedicated. Now the cathedral of the Roman Catholic Diocese of Honolulu, it is the oldest Roman Catholic cathedral in continuous use in the United States.
* 1843 - Tivoli Gardens, one of the oldest still intact amusement parks in the world, opens in Copenhagen, Denmark.
* 1863 - The Anglo-Satsuma War begins between the Satsuma Domain of Japan and the United Kingdom (Traditional Japanese date: July 2, 1863).
* 1915 - The Panama Canal opens to traffic with the transit of the cargo ship Ancon.
* 1920 - Polish-Soviet War: Battle of Warsaw - Poles defeat the Red Army.
* 1942 - World War II: Operation Pedestal - The SS Ohio reaches the island of Malta barely afloat carrying vital fuel supplies for the island defenses.
* 1944 - World War II: Operation Dragoon - Allied forces land in southern France.
* 1945 - World War II: Victory over Japan Day - Japan surrenders.
* 1945 - World War II: Korean Liberation Day.
* 1947 - India gains independence from the United Kingdom and becomes an independent nation within the Commonwealth , Jawaharlal Nehru addresses the nation with the Indian Declaration of Independence and takes office as the first Prime Minister of India.
* 1947 - Founder of Pakistan, Muhammad Ali Jinnah is sworn in as first Governor General of Pakistan at Karachi.
* 1948 - The Republic of Korea is established south of the 38th parallel north.
* 1960 - Republic of the Congo (Brazzaville) declares its independence from France.
* 1961 - Keiyo Road is specified to be the first driveway in Japan.
* 1969 - The Woodstock Music and Art Festival opens.
* 1971 - Bahrain Independence Day.
* 1973 - Vietnam War: The United States bombing of Cambodia ends.
* 1974 - Seoul Subway Line 1 opened, between Seoul Station and Cheongnyangni Station
* 1974 - Turkish invasion of Cyprus continues, and the 37% of the island is now under Turkish control.
* 1977 - The Big Ear, a radio telescope operated by The Ohio State University as part of the SETI project, receives a radio signal from deep space; the event is named the "Wow! signal" for notation made by a volunteer on the project.
* 1993 - Junko Asari wins the women's marathon in the World Athletics Championships in Stuttgart, Japan's first major women's athletics victory.
* 1995 - In South Carolina, Shannon Faulkner becomes the first female cadet matriculated at The Citadel, but drops out in less than a week.
* 1998 - Omagh bomb in Northern Ireland, becoming the worst terrorist incident of The Troubles
* 1999 - Beni Ounif massacre in Algeria; some 29 people killed at a false roadblock near the Moroccan border, leading to temporary tensions with Morocco.


1195 - Anthony of Padua, Portuguese saint
1769 - Napoleon Bonaparte, Emperor of the French
1771 - Sir Walter Scott, Scottish novelist and poet (d. 1832)
1785 - Thomas De Quincey, English author
1863 - Alexei Krylov, Russian engineer and mathematician
1892 - Louis, 7th duc de Broglie, French physicist, Nobel Prize Laureate
1893 - Leslie Comrie, New Zealand astronomer and computing pioneer
1896 - Gerty Cori, Austrian-born biochemist, Nobel Prize Laureate
1972 - Ben Affleck, American actor


Romania - Adormirea Maicii Domnului
– Independence Day (from the United Kingdom, 1947).
Acadie – National Day.
Austria - Maria Himmelfahrt day.
Bangladesh – National Mourning Day
Belgium, Assumption (of Blessed Virgin Mary) day.
Egypt – Flooding of the Nile Day.
France, Assumption Day.
Greece, Dormition ('Falling Asleep' of Virgin Mary.)
Hawaii – Toro Nagashi (Floating Lanterns Ceremony) to commemorate the end of the second world war.
Hindu – Krishna Janmaashtami, also on August 16.
Italy – " Assumption Day. And Ferragosto", remembrance of an ancient Roman holiday in honor of Augustus (Feriae Augusti).
Japan – Day of End of the War / The day which mourns for war dead, and prays for peace "National War-Dead Memorial Ceremony" is performed on that day every year after 1963.
Japan – Dutch Tray
Korea – Gwangbokjeol(Liberation Day).
Ancient Latvia – Māras.
Liechtenstein – Liechtenstein Day.
Poland – Polish Armed Forces Day.
Tuva – Tuva Republic Day, Naadym.
Portugal– Our Lady of Angels Feast, Azores.
Spain- Assumption Day.
Costa Rica– Mother's Day.

tocmai ma gandeam pe cine mai schimbam azi :)

ia inclinati-va toti pe stanga !

♣ A brown dwarf is a very small, dark object, with a mass less than 1/10 that of the Sun. They are 'failed stars', globules of gas that have shrunk under gravity, but failed to ignite and shine as stars.

♣ The hardness of ice is similar to that of concrete.

♣ A full moon always rises at sunset.

♣ If the world were tilted one degree more either way, the planet would not be habitable because the area around the equator would be too hot and the poles would be too cold.

♣ In 1980, Namco released PAC-MAN, the most popular video game (or arcade game) of all time. The original name was going to be PUCK MAN, but executives saw the potential for vandals to scratch out part of the P in the games marquee and labeling.

world wonders - The Hanging Gardens of Babylon

The Hanging Gardens of Babylon

Fruits and flowers... Waterfalls... Gardens hanging from the palace terraces... Exotic animals... This is the picture of the Hanging Gardens of Babylon in most people's minds. It may be surprising to know that they might have never existed except in Greek poets and historians imagination!

On the east bank of the River Euphrates, about 50 km south of Baghdad, Iraq.

The Babylonian kingdom flourished under the rule of the famous King, Hammurabi (1792-1750 BC). It was not until the reign of Naboplashar (625-605 BC) of the Neo-Babylonian dynasty that the Mesopotamian civilization reached its ultimate glory. His son, Nebuchadnezzar II (604-562 BC) is credited for building the legendary Hanging Gardens. It is said that the Gardens were built by Nebuchadnezzar to please his wife or concubine who had been "brought up in Media and had a passion for mountain surroundings".

While the most descriptive accounts of the Gardens come from Greek historians such as Berossus and Diodorus Siculus, Babylonian records stay silent on the matter. Tablets from the time of Nebuchadnezzar do not have a single reference to the Hanging Gardens, although descriptions of his palace, the city of Babylon, and the walls are found. Even the historians who give detailed descriptions of the Hanging Gardens never saw them. Modern historians argue that when Alexander's soldiers reached the fertile land of Mesopotamia and saw Babylon, they were impressed. When they later returned to their rugged homeland, they had stories to tell about the amazing gardens and palm trees at Mesopotamia.. About the palace of Nebuchadnezzar.. About the Tower of Babel and the ziggurats. And it was the imagination of poets and ancient historians that blended all these elements together to produce one of the World Wonders.

It wasn't until the twentieth century that some of the mysteries surrounding the Hanging Gardens were revealed. Archaeologists are still struggling to gather enough evidence before reaching the final conclusions about the location of the Gardens, their irrigation system, and their true appearance.

slam dunk party


What Are Constellations?

So just what are these constellations you keep hearing about?

People have used constellations for many different reasons. And these reasons have changed throughout history.

Astronomy is the oldest science. This is because even the earliest cavemen would look up at the sky and wonder about what makes it run. People saw that the motions of the stars were regular and predictable.

The first use for Constellations was probably religious. People thought that the Gods lived in the heavens and that they created them. Many cultures believed that the positions of the stars were their God's way of telling stories. So it seemed natural to recognize patterns in the sky, give them names, and tell stories about them. We inherited the names for our constellations from the Greeks. And they named the constellations after their mythological heroes and legends. So behind every constellation there is a story. For example, to the ancient Greeks, Orion was a great hunter. He was the son of Neptune (god of the sea). But the same stars were considered to depict Osiris by the Egyptians. Each different culture developed their own interpretation.

A more practical use for constellations was agriculture. Before there were proper calendars people had no way of determining when to sow, or harvest except by the stars. Constellations made the patterns of the stars easy to remember. The ancient peoples knew for example that when the constellation Orion started to be fully visible winter was coming soon. Or they could look at the Summer Triangle to know when Summer or Spring were coming as well. The stars allowed farmers to plan ahead and form agriculture, and constellations made it easier to recognize and interpret the patterns in the sky.

The constellations also helped with navigation. It is fairly easy to spot Polaris (The North Star) once you've found Ursa Minor (Little Dipper constellation). One can figure out his/her latitude (North/South) just by looking at how high Polaris appears in the night sky. This allowed for ships to travel across the globe. It allowed for the discovery of America, the spread of European culture, and civilization as we know it today.

Romania intr-o dimineata


Denumire: România
Acest nume a fost adoptat in 1862, după fondarea statului-naţiune prin unirea celor două principate româneşti, Valahia şi Moldova, în 1859.
Abrevierea internaţională ROU.

Situarea: în sud-estul Europei Centrale, în nordul Peninsulei Balcanice, pe Dunărea inferioară.

Hotarele României însumează în total 3.149,9 km. Două treimi din acestea (2.064,4 km) sunt determinate de Dunăre şi de râurile Prut şi Tisa sau urmează linia ţărmului Mării Negre, în timp ce o treime (1.085,5 km) reprezintă graniţa terestră. Apele teritoriale române se întind până la 12 mile marine în largul Mării Negre.

România se învecinează cu cinci state, cel de-al şaselea vecin fiind Marea Neagră. La NE şi E are graniţă cu Republica Moldova (681,3 km), la N şi E cu Ucraina (649,4 km), la SE cu Marea Neagră (193,5 km), la S cu Bulgaria (631,3 km), la SV cu Serbia (546,4 km) şi la V cu Ungaria (448,0 km).

Este de 238.391 kmp, comparabilă cu cea a Marii Britanii, ceea ce situează România pe locul 80 în lume şi pe locul 13 în Europa ca mărime.
România are o formă ovală, întinzându-se pe 735 km de la vest la est şi pe 530 km de la nord la sud.
Distribuţia suprafeţei: teritoriu arabil (39,2%), păduri (28%), pajişti şi fâneţe (20,5%), vii şi livezi (2,3%), clădiri, drumuri şi şosele (4,5%), ape şi iazuri (3,7%), alte zone (1,8%).