marți, 31 iulie 2007
some cool facts
on this day...[31st July]

* 431 - Election of Pope Sixtus III.
* 781 - The oldest recorded eruption of Mt. Fuji (Traditional Japanese date: July 6, 781).
* 904 - Thessalonica falls to the Arabs, who destroy the city.
* 1009 - Pietro Boccapecora becomes Pope Sergius IV.
* 1423 - Hundred Years' War: Battle of Cravant - The French army is defeated at Cravant on the banks of the river Yonne.
* 1498 - On his third voyage to the Western Hemisphere, Christopher Columbus becomes the first European to discover the island of Trinidad.
* 1655 - Russo-Polish War (1654-1667): Russian army enters the capital of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania, Vilnius, which it would hold for six years.
* 1658 - Aurangzeb is proclaimed Moghul emperor of India.
* 1667 - Second Anglo-Dutch War: Treaty of Breda ends the conflict.
* 1703 - Daniel Defoe is placed in a pillory for the crime of seditious libel after publishing a politically satirical pamphlet, but is pelted with flowers.
* 1741 - Charles Albert of Bavaria invades Upper Austria and Bohemia.
* 1790 - First U.S. patent issued; granted to inventor Samuel Hopkins for a potash process.
* 1856 - Christchurch, New Zealand chartered as a city.
* 1913 - The Balkan States sign an armistice at Bucarest.
* 1917 - The Third Battle of Ypres starts in Flanders.
* 1919 - German national assembly adopts the Weimar constitution (to enter into force August 14)
* 1936 - The International Olympic Committee announces that the 1940 Summer Olympics were to be held in Tokyo. However, the games were given back to the IOC after the Second Sino-Japanese War broke out, and were eventually cancelled altogether because of World War II.
* 1938 - Bulgaria signs a non-aggression pact with Greece and other states of Balkan Antanta (Turkey, Romania, Yugoslavia)
* 1940 - A doodlebug train in Cuyahoga Falls, Ohio collides with a multi-car freight train heading the opposite way, killing 43 people.
* 1941 - Holocaust: Under instructions from Adolf Hitler, Nazi official Hermann Göring, orders SS general Reinhard Heydrich to "submit to me as soon as possible a general plan of the administrative material and financial measures necessary for carrying out the desired final solution of the Jewish question."
* 1945 - John K. Giles attempts to escape from Alcatraz prison.
* 1951 - Japan Airlines is established.
* 1964 - Ranger program: Ranger 7 sends back the first close-up photographs of the moon, with images 1,000 times clearer than anything ever seen from earth-bound telescopes.
* 1971 - Apollo program: Apollo 15 astronauts become the first to ride in a lunar rover.
* 1975 - In Detroit, Michigan, Teamsters Union president Jimmy Hoffa is reported missing.
* 1976 - Viking program: Viking 1 - NASA releases the famous Face on Mars photo.
* 1987 - A rare, class F-4 tornado rips through Edmonton, Alberta, killing 27 people and causing $330 million in damage.
* 1999 - Discovery Program: Lunar Prospector - NASA intentionally crashes the spacecraft into the Moon, thus ending its mission to detect frozen water on the moon's surface.
* 2006 - Fidel Castro hands over power temporarily to brother Raúl Castro. This leads to a celebration in Little Havana [La Pequeña Habana in Spanish], Miami, Florida, where many Cuban-Americans participated.
* Hari Pahlawan - Malaysian warrior's day.
* La Hae Hawai‘i - Hawaiian Flag Day.
* Republic of the Congo - Upswing of the Revolution.
Borned today
1143 - Emperor Nijo of Japan
1396 - Philip III, Duke of Burgundy
1527 - Maximilian II, Holy Roman Emperor
1803 - John Ericsson, Swedish inventor and engineer
1918 - Paul D. Boyer, American chemist, Nobel Prize Laureate
1965 - J. K. Rowling, British novelist (her most famous character, Harry Potter was also born this day, but in 1980)
1965 - Scott Brooks, former pro basketball player
1966 - Dean Cain, American actor

Most leg injuries are only sprains, but the treatment for both sprains and fractures is the same.
1) If skin is broken, do not touch or put anything on the wound.
You must avoid infection. If the wound is bleeding severely, try to stop the flow of blood by applying steady pressure to the affected area with sterile bandages or clean clothes.
2) Do not move the injured leg—you need to splint the wound to stabilize the injured area.
3) Find two stiff objects of the same length—wood, plastic, or folded cardboard—for the splints.
4) Put the splints above and below the injured area— under the leg (or on the side if moving the leg is too painful).
5) Tie the splints with string, rope, or belts—whatever is available. Alternatively, use clothing torn into strips. Make sure the splint extends beyond the injured area.
6) Do not tie the splints too tightly; this may cut off circulation.
You should be able to slip a finger under the rope or fabric. If the splinted area becomes pale or white, loosen the ties.
Have the injured person lie flat on their back.
This helps blood continue to circulate and may prevent shock.
• Do not push at, probe, or attempt to clean an injury; this can cause infection.
• Do not move the injured person unless absolutely necessary. Treat the fracture and then go get help.
• If the person must be moved, be sure the injury is completely immobilized first.
• Do not elevate a leg injury.
• Do not attempt to move or reset a broken bone; this will cause severe pain and may complicate
the injury.
a little from egypt

Ancient Egypt had by tradition a great variety of gods and what today can be labelled as "spirits" and "fairies".
The total of them all was over 2.000, but many of them had similar characteristics and appeared all over the country by different names. The huge diversity is due to the fact that before the country was united the Nile Valley was split up into about forty self ruling areas (later to be provinces - so called nomes) where the ruling tribe had its own deities. Almost all gods had one thing in common - they had a count- erpart of the opposite sex and manifested themselves on earth through animals.
God Aah

His duties were shadowy and he was seen as a moon crescent often with sun disk upon it (picture on the left). He accompanied mainly Thot and Khons, but also others. Rarely he was upon the head of a sitting Osiris with whom he was known in texts as Osiris-Aah. He could be seen as Thoth-Aah with a crescent upon a pedestal standing in a boat. He took part in "The Book of the Dead" where he was quoted in a prayer presenting himself by saying: "I am the moon-god Aah, the dweller among the gods". His most famous roll in Egyptian mythology was in a tale where he gambled with Thoth and made him help the pair Nut and Geb to raise a family.
the usefull lesson [continued edition]
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