duminică, 12 august 2007

this day in history...


* 490 BC - the Battle of Marathon, in which Athens defeated an invading army of Persians, may have been fought on this date in the proleptic Julian calendar
* 30 BC - Cleopatra commits suicide after her defeat and Mark Antony's defeat at the battle of Actium.
* 1099 - First Crusade: Battle of Ascalon - Crusaders under the command of Godfrey of Bouillon defeat Fatimid forces under Al-Afdal Shahanshah. Considered the last engagement of the First Crusade.
* 1121 - Battle of Didgori: The Georgian army under King David the Builder won a decisive victory over the famous Seljuk commander Ilghazi.
* 1164 - Battle of Harim: Nur ad-Din defeats the Crusader armies of the County of Tripoli and the Principality of Antioch.
* 1281 - The fleet of Qubilai Khan is destroyed by a typhoon while approaching Japan.
* 1323 - Treaty of Nöteborg - Sweden and Novgorod (Russia) regulates the border for the first time.
* 1332 - Wars of Scottish Independence: Battle of Dupplin Moor - Scots under Domhnall II, Earl of Mar routed by Edward Balliol.
* 1480 - Battle of Otranto - Ottoman troops behead 800 Christians for refusing to convert to Islam.
* 1499 - First act of the Battle of Zonchio between Venetian and Ottoman fleets.
* 1687 - Charles of Lorraine defeats the Ottomans at the Battle of Mohács.
* 1793 - The Rhône department was created when the former département of Rhône-et-Loire was split into two departments: Rhône and Loire (Lêre).
* 1806 - Santiago de Liniers re-takes the city of Buenos Aires after the first English invasion.
* 1833 - Chicago was founded.
* 1851 - Isaac Singer granted a patent for his sewing machine.
* 1877 - Asaph Hall discovers Deimos.
* 1898 - Armistice ends the Spanish-American War.
* 1914 - World War I - Britain declares war on Austria-Hungary; British Empire countries automatically included.
* 1944 - Alençon liberated by General Leclerc, the first city in France to be liberated from the Nazis by the Allied forces.
* 1952 - The Night of the Murdered Poets - Thirteen most prominent Jewish intellectuals were murdered in Moscow.
* 1953 - Nuclear testing: The Soviet atomic bomb project proceeded with the detonation of Joe 4, the first Soviet thermonuclear weapon.
* 1960 - Echo I, the first communications satellite, launched
* 1964 - South Africa is banned from the Olympic Games due to its racist policy.
* 1972 - The last American combat ground troops leave Vietnam.
* 1977 - The first free flight of the Space Shuttle Enterprise.
* 1978 - Japan and the People's Republic of China sign the Treaty of Peace and Friendship between Japan and the People's Republic of China.
* 1981 - Release of the IBM PC or Personal Computer
* 1990 - Sue, the most complete skeleton of a Tyrannosaurus rex, is discovered near Faith, South Dakota.
* 1992 - Canada, Mexico, and the United States announce completion of negotiations for the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA).
* 1998 - Swiss banks agree to pay $1.25 billion as restitution to Holocaust survivors to settle claims for their assets.
* 2005 - Sri Lanka's foreign minister, Lakshman Kadirgamar, is fatally shot by a sniper at his home.

Borned this day

1503 - Christian III of Denmark and Norway
1604 - Tokugawa Iemitsu, Japanese shogun
1629 - Tsar Alexei I of Russia
1762 - King George IV of the United Kingdom
1887 - Erwin Schrödinger, Austrian physicist, Nobel Prize Laureate
1963 - Sir Mix A Lot, American musician and composer
1971 - Pete Sampras, American tennis player


United Nations - International Youth Day (since 1999)
Brazil - Father's Day (August second sunday)
Thailand - The Queen's Birthday, Mother's Day
Zimbabwe - Defence Force Day

tocmai ma intrebam...

where did all the good people go!?!?![ by Jack Johnson ]

pacat ca ne trezim dupa ce pleaca ei...
[saptamana trecuta de exemplu...]trist nu?...

cool facts

♦ Plutonium - first weighed on August 20th, 1942, by University of Chicago scientists Glenn Seaborg and his colleagues - was the first man-made element.

♦ Sound travels 15 times faster through steel than through the air.

♦ Only one satellite has been ever been destroyed by a meteor: the European Space Agency's Olympus in 1993.

♦ A ball of glass will bounce higher than a ball of rubber. A ball of solid steel will bounce higher than one made entirely of glass.

another lil quotey

" A little sincerity is a dangerous thing, and a great deal of it is absolutely fatal. "

[ Oscar Wilde ]

sa nu ne plictisim citind :)

Horatiu Malaele - O gâză

eh? geniu sau nu? (eu oricum la geniu il pun:) )


August 11, 2007 - Perseid meteors
August 12, 2007 - New Moon
7:03 P.M.
August 13, 2007 - Neptune at opposition
[ Opposition occurs when a body farther from the Sun than Earth appears opposite the Sun in the sky. It is the best time to observe a planet. ]

Some extra infos about Perseids:

The Perseids are a prolific meteor shower associated with the comet Swift-Tuttle. The Perseids are so called because the point they appear to come from, called the radiant, lies in the constellation Perseus. However, they can be seen all across the sky. Because of the path of Swift-Tuttle's orbit, Perseids are mostly visible on the northern hemisphere.

The shower is visible from mid-July each year, with the greatest activity between August 8 and 14, peaking about August 12. During the peak, the rate of meteors reaches 60 or more per hour.

Meteor showers occur when Earth moves through a meteor stream. The stream in this case is called the Perseid cloud and it stretches along the orbit of the Comet Swift-Tuttle. The cloud consists of particles ejected by the comet as it passed by the Sun. Most of the dust in the cloud today is approximately a thousand years old.

However, there is also a relatively young filament of dust in the stream that boiled off the comet in 1862. The approximate rate of meteors originating from this filament is much higher than normal.

The famous Perseid meteor shower has been observed for about 2000 years, with the first known information on these meteors coming from the Far East. In early Europe, the Perseids came to be known as the "tears of St. Lawrence."

[deci poate va vad pe net la noapte...AFARA!!! toata lumea afara la noapte....si maine noapte..tot afara adica]

:::::_A Samurai and a Zen Master_:::::

A samurai, a very proud warrior, came to see a Zen Master one day. The samurai was very famous, but looking at the beauty of the Master and the Grace of the moment, he suddenly felt inferior.

He said to the Master, "Why am I feeling inferior? Just a moment ago everything was okay. As I entered your court suddenly I felt inferior. I have never felt like that before. I have faced death many times, and I have never felt any fear -- why am I now feeling frightened?"

The Master said, "Wait. When everyone else has gone, I will answer. "

People continued the whole day to come and see the Master, and the samurai was getting more and more tired waiting. By evening the room was empty, and the samurai said, "Now, can you answer me?"

The Master said, "Come outside."

It was a full moon night, the moon was just rising on the horizen. And he said, "Look at these trees. This tree is high in the sky and this small one beside it. They both have existed beside my window for years, and there has never been any problem. The smaller tree has never said to the big tree, 'Why do I feel inferior before you?' This tree is small, and that tree is big -- why have I never heard a whisper of it?"

The samurai said, "Because they can't compare."

The Master replied, "Then you need not ask me. You know the answer."

win xp tips

" Microsoft yada-yada Program has encountered a problem and needs to close.
We are sorry for the inconvenience. "

si apoi

"Yada-yada Application has Encountered a Problem and Must be Shut Down"

annoying, nu-i asa? m-am plictisit si eu de el...Dar iata ca putem opri serviciul de reportare a erorilor in cativa pasi rapizi (the easy or the "i'm-so-techy" way):

method 1 (easy-way):
[Start] -> [click dreapta My Computer] -> [Properties] -> [tabul Advanced] -> [butonul Error reporting]
si selectati "Disable error reporting" si puteti lasa bifat "But notify me when critical errors occur"

method 2 (i'm-the-coding-guru-way):
[Start] -> [Run] - > [Regedit]
Navigati la cheia de registru: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\PCHealth\ErrorReporting
Modificati (Creati daca nu exista) :
Data Type: REG_DWORD [Dword Value] // Value Name: DoReport
Value Data: [0 = Nu trimite rapoarte / 1 =Trimite rapoarte]
Iesiti din registru si restartati

there... greu ? :)