luni, 13 august 2007

virusi si iar virusi...


cati oameni normali ar trimite sau si-ar pune la status asa ceva:

Do you realize who is in this image: . Just think for a moment and tell me soon
Screenshot of my new Ipod so cool
;) 1 of my vacation pictures <:-P
New game ;;) sexy beach 3 (man only) !!

am o vaga banuiala ca cineva s-a virusat :)
[ohoooo de fapt, pute de la distanta ca e virus :) ]
oricum daca a clickuit cineva pana acuma pe linkuri sa-mi zica si mie ce-i acolo :)

685.000 human lifetimes in a car :)

♣ A chip of silicon a quarter-inch square has the capacity of the original 1949 ENIAC computer, which occupied a city block.

♣ An ordinary TNT bomb involves atomic reaction, and could be called an atomic bomb. What we call an A-bomb involves nuclear reactions and should be called a nuclear bomb.

♣ According to security equipment specialists, security systems that utilize motion detectors won't function properly if walls and floors are too hot. When an infrared beam is used in a motion detector, it will pick up a person's body temperature of 98.6 degrees compared to the cooler walls and floor. If the room is too hot, the motion detector won't register a change in the radiated heat of that person's body when it enters the room and breaks the infrared beam.

♣ Time slows down near a black hole; inside it stops completely.

♣ A car traveling at a constant speed of 60 miles per hour would take over 48 million years to reach the nearest star (other than our sun), Proxima Centauri. This is about 685,000 average human lifetimes

si aici iata ca trebuie sa-mi pun eu problema, ca daca am folosi un monstru de veyron ????
pai e simplu, daca bugatti veyron ajunge la 253 mile\h (aprox de 4 ori mai repede), asta inseamna scurtarea timpului (aprox) la un sfert => 12 milioane de, asa mai merge :)

bushcraft [p6]


General rules:

a. fasten all pocket covers
and do not let anything hang or dangle from the outside of your pack;
b. place a plastic garbage bag inside the main compartment to keep your items dry;
c. place heavy objects close to the back of the frame, centred and higher on the load. This will balance your pack;
d. carry long items vertically. The width of your load should not exceed 60cm;
e. snug up all compression straps to keep your load compact;
f. place all toiletries in a protective bag inside your pack to avoid toothpaste flavoured clothes;
g. carry all fuels in an approved sealed container;
h. pack all the things you will need in an emergency in pockets or in the top of your pack;
i. you want to pack things in the order you are likely to use them;
j. pack your days meals and snacks in an outside pocket – so you do not have to open the main bag at lunch or snack time;
k. get a hydration bag (a soft plastic water bottle with a long flexible drinking tube) or position water bottles in convenient pockets or pouches;
l. avoid carrying more than 16kg (35lbs) – heavier weights in any kind of pack may injure or damage the nerves in your shoulders. If you notice your hands becoming numb when carrying a pack, try loosening your shoulder straps, lightening your load or padding your shoulders.
m. Always protect and pad sharp edges of equipment and tools.

like mike..i wanna mike

today's history in history


* 3114 BC - According to the Lounsbury correlation, the Maya calendar starts.
* 523 - John succeeds Hormisdas as Pope.
* 1099 - Paschal II elected Pope.
* 1315 - Louis X of France marries Clemence d'Anjou.
* 1326 - Aradia de Toscano, according to legend/folklore, is initiated into a Dianic witchcraft cult, subsequently founds the tradition of Stregheria later known as the Malandanti.
* 1415 - Hundred Years' War: Henry V of England lands at Chef-en-Caux, France with 8000 men.
* 1516 - Treaty of Noyon between France and Spain signed. In it, Francis recognises Charles's claim to Naples, and Charles recognises Francis's claim to Milan.
* 1521 - Tenochtitlán (present day Mexico City) falls to conquistador Hernán Cortés.
* 1536 - Buddhist monks from Kyōto's Enryaku Temple set fire to 21 Nichiren temples throughout Kyoto in the Tenbun Hokke Disturbance. (Traditional Japanese date: July 27, 1536).
* 1553 - Michael Servetus arrested by John Calvin in Geneva as a heretic.
* 1704 - War of the Spanish Succession: Battle of Blenheim - English and Austrians victorious over French and Bavarians.
* 1814 - The Convention of London, a treaty between the United Kingdom and the United Provinces, is signed in London.
* 1905 - Norway holds referendum in favour of dissolving the union with Sweden.
* 1913 - Otto Witte, an acrobat, is crowned King of Albania.
* 1913 - Invention of stainless steel by Harry Brearley.
* 1918 - Women enlist in the United States Marine Corps for the first time. Opha Mae Johnson is the first woman to enlist.
* 1920 - Polish-Soviet War: Battle of Warsaw begins, lasts till August 25. The Red Army is defeated.
* 1923 - First major sea-going ship arrives at Gdynia, newly constructed Polish seaport.
* 1937 - Battle of Shanghai begins.
* 1940 - World War II: Battle of Britain begins - The Luftwaffe launches a series of attacks on British fighter bases and radar installations..
* 1960 - The Central African Republic declares independence from France.
* 1961 - The German Democratic Republic closes the border between the eastern and western sectors of Berlin, to thwart its inhabitants' attempts to escape to the West.
* 1968 - Alexandros Panagoulis attempts to assassinate the Greek dictator Colonel G. Papadopoulos in Varkiza, Athens.
* 1973 - Zulfikar Ali Bhutto elected Prime Minister of Pakistan.
* 1987 - U.S. President Ronald Reagan assumes responsibility for his role in the Iran-Contra scandal.
* 2004 - The Opening Ceremony of the 2004 Olympic Games takes place in Athens.


1311 - King Alfonso XI of Castile and Leon
1313 - Aradia de Toscano, Italian insurrectionist, teacher, and witch
1872 - Richard Willstätter, German chemist, Nobel Prize Laureate
1899 - Alfred Hitchcock, English film director
1912 - Salvador Luria, Italian-born biologist, Nobel Prize Laureate
1918 - Frederick Sanger, English chemist, Nobel Prize Laureate
1926 - Fidel Castro, Cuban revolutionary and politician
1970 - Alan Shearer, English footballer


Roman festivals - Vertumnalia in honor of Vertumnus and Diana, on the Aventine hill.
International Lefthanders Day.
Laos - Lao Issara, Day of the Free Laos.
In Brazil, Friday 13 August (agosto) is considered to be especially filled with sorrow

conservatorismul... :)

" A conservative is a man with two perfectly good legs who, however, has never learned to walk forward. "

[ Franklin D. Roosevelt ]

The traditional Making of a Katana

Making a sword is no big deal.
What is hard is to make a great one.

the wonders of the world

The Seven Wonders of the Ancient World

Although most people know that a list exists of the Seven World Wonders, only few can name them. The list of the Seven Wonders of the Ancient World was originally compiled around the second century BC. The first reference to the idea is found in History of Herodotus as long ago as the 5th century BC. Decades later, Greek historians wrote about the greatest monuments at the time. Callimachus of Cyrene (305BC-240BC), Chief Librarian of the Alexandria Mouseion, wrote "A Collection of Wonders around the World". All we know about the collection is its title, for it was destroyed with the Alexandria Library.

The final list of the Seven Wonders was compiled during the Middle Ages. The list comprised the seven most impressive monuments of the Ancient World, some of which barely survived to the Middle Ages. Others did not even co-exist. Among the oldest references to the canonical list are the engravings by the Dutch artist Maerten van Heemskerck (1498-1574), and Johann Fischer von Erlach's History of Architecture.

Today, archaeological evidence reveals some of the mysteries that surrounded the history of the Wonders for centuries. For their builders, the Seven Wonders were a celebration of religion, mythology, art, power, and science. For us, they reflect the ability of humans to change the surrounding landscape by building massive yet beautiful structures, one of which stood the test of time to this very day.

The Seven Wonders of the Ancient World are:

* The Great Pyramid of Giza

* The Hanging Gardens of Babylon

* The Temple of Artemis at Ephesus

* The Statue of Zeus at Olympia

* The Mausoleum at Halicarnassus

* The Colossus of Rhodes

* The Pharos of Alexandria

[to be continued]