* 3114 BC - According to the Lounsbury correlation, the Maya calendar starts.
* 523 - John succeeds Hormisdas as Pope.
* 1099 - Paschal II elected Pope.
* 1315 - Louis X of France marries Clemence d'Anjou.
* 1326 - Aradia de Toscano, according to legend/folklore, is initiated into a Dianic witchcraft cult, subsequently founds the tradition of Stregheria later known as the Malandanti.
* 1415 - Hundred Years' War: Henry V of England lands at Chef-en-Caux, France with 8000 men.
* 1516 - Treaty of Noyon between France and Spain signed. In it, Francis recognises Charles's claim to Naples, and Charles recognises Francis's claim to Milan.
* 1521 - Tenochtitlán (present day Mexico City) falls to conquistador Hernán Cortés.
* 1536 - Buddhist monks from Kyōto's Enryaku Temple set fire to 21 Nichiren temples throughout Kyoto in the Tenbun Hokke Disturbance. (Traditional Japanese date: July 27, 1536).
* 1553 - Michael Servetus arrested by John Calvin in Geneva as a heretic.
* 1704 - War of the Spanish Succession: Battle of Blenheim - English and Austrians victorious over French and Bavarians.
* 1814 - The Convention of London, a treaty between the United Kingdom and the United Provinces, is signed in London.
* 1905 - Norway holds referendum in favour of dissolving the union with Sweden.
* 1913 - Otto Witte, an acrobat, is crowned King of Albania.
* 1913 - Invention of stainless steel by Harry Brearley.
* 1918 - Women enlist in the United States Marine Corps for the first time. Opha Mae Johnson is the first woman to enlist.
* 1920 - Polish-Soviet War: Battle of Warsaw begins, lasts till August 25. The Red Army is defeated.
* 1923 - First major sea-going ship arrives at Gdynia, newly constructed Polish seaport.
* 1937 - Battle of Shanghai begins.
* 1940 - World War II: Battle of Britain begins - The Luftwaffe launches a series of attacks on British fighter bases and radar installations..
* 1960 - The Central African Republic declares independence from France.
* 1961 - The German Democratic Republic closes the border between the eastern and western sectors of Berlin, to thwart its inhabitants' attempts to escape to the West.
* 1968 - Alexandros Panagoulis attempts to assassinate the Greek dictator Colonel G. Papadopoulos in Varkiza, Athens.
* 1973 - Zulfikar Ali Bhutto elected Prime Minister of Pakistan.
* 1987 - U.S. President Ronald Reagan assumes responsibility for his role in the Iran-Contra scandal.
* 2004 - The Opening Ceremony of the 2004 Olympic Games takes place in Athens.
1311 - King Alfonso XI of Castile and Leon
1313 - Aradia de Toscano, Italian insurrectionist, teacher, and witch
1872 - Richard Willstätter, German chemist, Nobel Prize Laureate
1899 - Alfred Hitchcock, English film director
1912 - Salvador Luria, Italian-born biologist, Nobel Prize Laureate
1918 - Frederick Sanger, English chemist, Nobel Prize Laureate
1926 - Fidel Castro, Cuban revolutionary and politician
1970 - Alan Shearer, English footballer
Roman festivals - Vertumnalia in honor of Vertumnus and Diana, on the Aventine hill.
International Lefthanders Day.
Laos - Lao Issara, Day of the Free Laos.
In Brazil, Friday 13 August (agosto) is considered to be especially filled with sorrow