luni, 13 august 2007
bushcraft [p6]
General rules:
a. fasten all pocket covers and do not let anything hang or dangle from the outside of your pack;
b. place a plastic garbage bag inside the main compartment to keep your items dry;
c. place heavy objects close to the back of the frame, centred and higher on the load. This will balance your pack;
d. carry long items vertically. The width of your load should not exceed 60cm;
e. snug up all compression straps to keep your load compact;
f. place all toiletries in a protective bag inside your pack to avoid toothpaste flavoured clothes;
g. carry all fuels in an approved sealed container;
h. pack all the things you will need in an emergency in pockets or in the top of your pack;
i. you want to pack things in the order you are likely to use them;
j. pack your days meals and snacks in an outside pocket – so you do not have to open the main bag at lunch or snack time;
k. get a hydration bag (a soft plastic water bottle with a long flexible drinking tube) or position water bottles in convenient pockets or pouches;
l. avoid carrying more than 16kg (35lbs) – heavier weights in any kind of pack may injure or damage the nerves in your shoulders. If you notice your hands becoming numb when carrying a pack, try loosening your shoulder straps, lightening your load or padding your shoulders.
m. Always protect and pad sharp edges of equipment and tools.