" Microsoft yada-yada Program has encountered a problem and needs to close.
We are sorry for the inconvenience. "
si apoi
"Yada-yada Application has Encountered a Problem and Must be Shut Down"
annoying, nu-i asa? m-am plictisit si eu de el...Dar iata ca putem opri serviciul de reportare a erorilor in cativa pasi rapizi (the easy or the "i'm-so-techy" way):
method 1 (easy-way):
[Start] -> [click dreapta My Computer] -> [Properties] -> [tabul Advanced] -> [butonul Error reporting]
si selectati "Disable error reporting" si puteti lasa bifat "But notify me when critical errors occur"
method 2 (i'm-the-coding-guru-way):
[Start] -> [Run] - > [Regedit]
Navigati la cheia de registru: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\PCHealth\ErrorReporting
Modificati (Creati daca nu exista) :
Data Type: REG_DWORD [Dword Value] // Value Name: DoReport
Value Data: [0 = Nu trimite rapoarte / 1 =Trimite rapoarte]
Iesiti din registru si restartati
there... greu ? :)