Clothing that you wear for outdoor activity must protect you from sun,
wind, rain and snow, variations of temperature and insects.
In general, your clothing should be comfortable and loose fitting. Try all your individual items on before going out to ensure fit and that there is no damage or missing parts. Check your range of motion with all your layers on and be sure that you can reach and stretch without being bound by your clothes. You can complement your cold weather clothing with mitts and a toque made from a good insulator that sheds moisture. Keep all your clothes as clean as possible, repair and wash when required.
Moisture management is a technique of controlling moisture build-up in your clothes. Along with choosing appropriate outdoor clothing you can manage moisture by:
a. ventilating your clothing by opening cuffs, “pit zips” and the front zipper;
b. wearing clean layers that are loose that don’t retain moisture;
c. removing your hat when participating in strenuous activities – except when in direct sunlight;
d. choosing insulation that is appropriate to the temperature and activity, and adding or subtracting layers for changes as they occur; and
e. keeping your socks clean and dry. Always carry extra socks, and change your socks regularly.