1775 Benjamin Franklin becomes 1st Postmaster General
1788 New York becomes 11th state to ratify constitution
1790 US passes Assumption bill making US responsible for state debts
1835 1st sugar cane plantation started in Hawaii
1847 Liberia declares independence from American Colonization Society
1848 1st Woman's Rights Convention (Senecca Falls NY)
1863 At Salineville, OH John Hunt Morgan & 364 troops surrender
1865 Patrick Francis Healy is 1st black awarded PhD (Louvain Belgium)
1866 Canoe Club opens in England
1887 1st Esperanto book published
1905 P Gotz discovers asteroid #568 Cheruskia
1908 Federal Bureau of Investigation established
1918 Race riot in Philadelphia (3 whites & 1 black killed)
1923 James Hoyt Wilhelm, pitcher
1926 National Bar Association incorporates
1928 Yanks score 11 runs in 12th beating Tigers 12-1
1933 Joe Dimaggio ends 61 game hitting streak in Pacific Coast League
1939 Yankee catcher Bill Dickey hits 3 consecutive HRs
1943 120ø F (49ø C), Tishmoningo, Oklahoma (state record)
1945 Churchill resigns as Britain's PM
1947 Department of Defense established
1947 National Security Act establishes the CIA
1948 1st black host of a network show-CBS' Bob Howard Show
1948 Pres Truman issues Executive Order No. 9981 directing "equality of
treatment & opportunity" in the armed forces
1949 C A Wirtanen discovers asteroid #1951 Lick
1952 Mickey Mantle hits his 1st grand-slammer
1953 Cuban pirate radio station's 1st transmission at Santiago de Cuba
1953 Fidel Castro leads attack on Moncada Barracks, begins Cuban rev
1955 Ted Allen throws a record 72 consecutive horseshoe ringers
1956 Egypt seizes Suez Canal
1957 Mickey Mantle hits career HR # 200
1957 USSR launches 1st intercontinental multistage ballistic missile
1958 Army launches 4th US successful satellite, Explorer IV
1959 C Hoffmeister discovers asteroid #2183
1963 US Syncom 2, 1st geosynchronous communications satellite, launched
1964 Teamsters President Jimmy Hoffa convicted of fraud & conspiracy
1964 Train from Povoa de Varzin, Portugal derails near Oporto, 94 die
1965 Republic of Maldives gains independence from Britain (Nat'l Day)
1967 Twins beat Yanks 3-2 in 18
1969 Sharon Sites Adams, 39, becomes 1st lady to solo sail the Pacific
1971 Apollo 15 launched to the Moon
1971 N Chernykh discovers asteroid #1836 Komarov
1974 USSR's Soyuz fails to dock with Salyut 3
1975 Soyuz 18B returns to Earth
1979 Estimated 109 cm (43") of rain falls in Alvin, TX (national record)
1981 2 climbers rappell 550 m down cliff near Angel Falls, Venezuela
1981 E Bowell discovers asteroids #2845 Franklinken & #2882 Tedesco
1981 NY Mayor Ed Koch is given Heimlich maneuver in a Chinese restaurant
1982 Canada's Anik D1 Comsat launched by US Delta rocket
1983 Challenger moves to Vandenberg AFB for mating for STS-8
1983 Jarmila Kratochvilova of Czech sets 800m woman's record (1:53.28)
1986 Lebanese kidnappers released Rev Lawrence Martin Jenco
1988 Mike Schmidt sets NL record appearing in 2,155 games at 3rd base, as
Phillies & NY Mets end that game at 2:13 AM
1990 General Hospital tapes its 7,000th episode
1990 US beats the Soviet Union 17-0 in baseball at the Goodwill Games
1991 Expo's Mark Gardner no hits Dodgers for 9 innings, but loses in 10th
1991 Paul Reubens (Pee Wee Herman) is arrested in Florida, for exposing
himself at an adult movie theater
Athens, Texas : Black-Eyed Peas Jamboree starts (07181986)
Cuba : Anniversary of Moncada Barricks attack (1953)
Liberia : Independence Day (1847)
Maldives : National Day (1965)
New York : Ratification Day (1788)
Sweden : Bellman Day- honoring Carl Michael Bellman
Borned today
* Shaw, George Bernard (1856)
* Jung, Carl (1875)
* Huxley, Aldous (1894)
* Kubrick, Stanley (1928)
* Jagger, Mick (1943)
* Mirren, Helen (1945)
* Visitor, Nana (1957)
* Spacy, Kevin (1959)
* Bullock, Sandra (1964)
* Beckinsale, Kate (1973)